“Reluctant Retiree” Article

Bobbi’s article—”Reluctant Retiree”—has been published in the Spring issue of 3rd Act Magazine, Aging with Confidence, a publication of the American Society on Aging (ASA). “3rd Act Magazine endeavors to inform, inspire, and entertain older adults. Its stories and articles challenge worn-out perceptions of aging and offer a dynamic new vision.”

Bobbi’s article is in very good company, surrounded by interesting, informative, top-notch writing by experienced writers and experts in the field of the new aging paradigm. The publication is also beautifully designed and printed. It’s online and in print.

For information, visit American Society on Aging  or 3rd Act Magazine.
Victoria Starr Marshall & David Marshall, Publishers
Oshi Publishing, LLC / 81 Canal Lane / Brinnon, WA 98320
360-796-483 / www.3rdActMagazine.com