I found a wonderful website that focuses on the safety needs of older people. The site, https://seniorsafetyadvice.com/, is the brainchild of Robin Schiltz and Esther Kane and is loaded with valuable information on an important subject. An article that caught my eye, because of all the recent severe weather events, explained how to assemble an emergency kit and every single item to put in it.
Extreme weather no longer occurs occasionally; it seems to be happening with increasing frequency. Being prepared for the unexpected has become a necessity, especially for older adults who often have special needs. “So,” advise Robin and Esther, “having an emergency kit prepared is the first step to safeguarding your valuables and your life in the event of a calamity.”
This article goes far beyond the basics. It is a resource you will want to bookmark or print out and keep as a handy reference. In addition to a first aid kit, it covers an evacuation kit, a shelter-in-place kit, tips on customizing your emergency kit, how much your kit should weigh, and advice on whether to buy a kit or make your own. Here is a sample of the article.
First Aid Kit
“One of your main priorities post-disaster is to stay healthy and take care of any injuries because medical assistance may not be readily available. Your first aid kits should have at least the basic supplies to care for minor and major wounds. Keep two first aid kits—one in your home and the other one in your car.”
The authors recommend this first aid kit by Be Smart Get Prepared, which has all the basics you would need for almost any emergency, along with your own personal medications and special need items. This is followed by a complete list of what your first aid kit should include.
For this list and all of the other ones mentioned in this article, click on: https://seniorsafetyadvice.com/how-to-build-an-emergency-kit-for-seniors/